Only True Nike Fans Can Pass This Quiz

Sports History | 2/21/19

Who is the former athlete-turned-activist that Nike used as the face of a new campaign in 2018 that caused people to burn their Nike products?

Retry Correct Incorrect The correct choice to this question isn’t Ray Lewis. Colin Kaepernick is the one who caused a great amount of people to burn, cut, and destroy their Nike products. As a result, Nike’s shares increased a great amount.
Arthur Elgort/Conde Nast via Getty Images
Arthur Elgort/Conde Nast via Getty Images

Who is the former athlete-turned-activist that Nike used as the face of a new campaign in 2018 that caused people to burn their Nike products?

  • Ray Lewis
  • Josh Smith
  • Kobe Bryant
  • Colin Kaepernick

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